Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Menuchat HaNefesh – The Soul’s Rest

Menuchat HaNefesh – The Soul’s Rest

By Tomer Yitzchok ben Avraham Avinu v’Sarah Imeinu


Apply g’vurah to circumstances

The rhythm of the bony donkey riding away from circumstances

            calms you

            lulls you

The chamor is my chayah

Be’er Lachai Roi flows to Elim’s 12 springs to water the 70 tamarim

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The State of My Soul on the Day of the Release of the Bodies of the Murdered Hostages - February 20, 2024

One of my most fundamental theological beliefs - one that has remained unchanged despite the many changes in religious affiliations throughout my life - is that human beings are created b'tzelem and bid'mut Elokim - in the image (Genesis 1:26 - 27) and likeness (Genesis 1:26, 5:1) of G!d.

In the first chapter of Tomer Devorah, my favorite Jewish text outside the fundamental Jewish text of the Tanach, the fundamental rabbinic texts of Mishnah, & Gemara, and the liturgy, the Ramak indicates that the image (tzelem) is the body and the likeness (d'mut) refers to the actions.
It is very difficult today to remain steadfast in this belief while witnessing the gratuitous viciousness and cruelty of the Hamas terrorists in handing over the bodies of those they so brutally and senselessly murdered. Tomer Devorah explores the Thirteen Supernal Attributes of Mercy from Micah 7:18 - 20 that G!d possesses and which we are to emulate. Today, I must leave it to G!d to exercise that mercy and forgiveness. Perhaps tomorrow, I can try to exercise them - but not today.

Menuchat HaNefesh – The Soul’s Rest

Menuchat HaNefesh – The Soul’s Rest By Tomer Yitzchok ben Avraham Avinu v’Sarah Imeinu   Apply g’vurah to circumstances The rhythm o...