Monday, May 27, 2024

Open my heart in your Torah

I had a thought while davening – P’tach libi b’toratecha – open my heart in your Torah – lev, heart, contains the last and first letters of the Torah. Perhaps this line in the prayer at the end of the Amidah is asking G!d to open our own Torah, that Torah given to us as our beating heart of our soul’s life, into the Torah as a whole – we nurture the Torah that is our heart and add that Torah – our letter – to the Torah to nurture others – even as we are nurtured by the Torah we are given by others – the letters they contribute.

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Open my heart in your Torah

I had a thought while davening – P’tach libi b’toratecha – open my heart in your Torah – lev, heart, contains the last and first letters of ...