Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Basar b’Cholov: A Poem

Three times in the Torah it says not to boil a kid in its mother’s milk

The Shulchan Aruch says this teaches that there are three things one cannot do: cook it, eat it, or benefit from it

My name is Tomer Yitzchok – the Date-Palm Tree Will Laugh

The Yitzchok – he will laugh – seems like a mitzvah as well

Yitzchok appears in the Torah 94 times – do I have to find 94 ways to laugh?

Do I have to find five ways to laugh while someone close to me tries to murder me?

The biggest and best laugh was when I snuck out with the donkey – the chumrah chamor – and neither I nor the donkey were noticed when we fled

THAT makes me laugh!

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The Golden Calf, Kashrut, and You

The mitzvah not to boil a kid in its mother’s milk appears three times in the Torah – and from this, the rabbis derive that one is prohibite...