Friday, July 14, 2023

Wrapping Tefillin and the Thirteen Attributes

I had a realization about wrapping tefillin today - probably not the first person to notice this, but here goes.

One wraps the tefillin strap around one's forearm seven times. This creates 13 bands - the 7 strap indentations and the six bands between them. This correlates, in my mind, to the Thirteen Attributes of G!d - both the essential attributes in Exodus 34 and the Supernal Attributes in Micah 7:18-20. There are also thirteen blessings specific to the weekday Amidah (between the three opening blessings and three closing blessings always said) - which I also think of as correlating to the Thirteen Attributes.

So not only are the tefillin shel yad a sign on one's hand/arm - so are the marks left behind, serving as a sign of the Thirteen Attributes of the G!d we serve and which we are to emulate, being made in the likeness and image of G!d.

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