Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Korbanot in Mincha

Although I use Nusach Ashkenaz, which is what the synagogues I attend use (one uses Koren and one Lev Shalem), something that Nusach Sfard and the Sephardic and Mizrachi nuschaot get right, imho, is that the korbanot are recited at the beginning of Mincha, since the Tamid was offered both in the morning and the afternoon and it seems odd to me to only recite it in the morning. (I do realize that this is not actually an issue for Lev Shalem, which omits korbanot entirely.)

But I had another thought today - the four sections of Shacharit are correlated with the four levels of the soul and the four worlds in kabbalah:

Brachot/Korbanot - Nefesh - Asiyah
Psukei d'Zimra - Ruach - Yetzirah
Shema - Neshamah - Briah
Amidah - Chayah - Atzilut
Maariv has the Shema. Mincha, beginning with Tehillim perek 145, has an abbreviated Psukei d'Zimra. If it also begins with Korbanot, then all four of the sections/levels of the soul/worlds are repeated. (Obviously, the Amidah is repeated a second time.) I need to think more about what that means - and why they are divided as they are between Mincha and Maariv.
But it feels like it's an important thing to do.

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