Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Passing Over - a Prayer for Pesach

I need to go to the desert, Lord - I need to go to the desert!

I/we don't know how I/we will serve until I/we get there, Lord!

But I'm stuck in the narrow places and Pharaoh won't let me go! And I can't leave the people behind but I need to take my leave and get to the desert.

I want the Promised Land but I can't even picture it now - I just want to get to that desert.

All the world is a narrow bridge. All the world is an EGYPT bridge.

(Bridge connections - why I love Hebrew.)

I need to leave the safety of the bridge for the desert or Miriam's well. Miriam's swell well.

(And where will I fish for gefilte fish? And can I get sweet Manischewitz or kosher for Pesach Dr Pepper in the desert?)

I have to set up the Mishkan and the twelve tribes around it - the twelve parts of me in four directions - not just the Rachel son parts but the Leah parts and the Zilpah and Bilhah parts - and even the Dinah part - what section of the camp does SHE get???

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