Wednesday, March 16, 2022

A Prayer for Purim

Riboinoi shel Oilom,

Maker of Masks, Wearer of Masks, Beholder of masks,

You are Hidden yet wear many Masks and bear many Names to reveal Yourself to us.

Blessed are You for putting on the Masks so we can approach You.


I need to wear masks of my own at times.

I need to remove my masks at other times.

Please give me the discernment to know:

·                   When to wear a mask

·                   When to take off the mask

·                   Which mask to wear


Thank You for Your guidance.

Thank You for coming out of hiding when we say “Ayeh/Where” – for “Ayeh” ha-seh l’olah – the question “Ayeh?” is the lamb of ascent.

May we know You with ever more sheer Masks speedily, in our own days.


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