Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Thought for the Siyyum of Masechet Sukkah

 "The Gemara relates that the Sages said of Yonatan ben Uzziel, the greatest of Hillel’s students, that when he sat and was engaged in Torah study, the sanctity that he generated was so intense that any bird that flew over him was immediately incinerated." (Sukkah 28a)

Rav Yonatan was the translator who produced Targum Yonatan, the Aramaic translation of the Prophets. The bird being incinerated by the holiness of the Torah study speaks to Torah study taking the place of the korban olah (burnt-offering) in the absence of the Temple.

May our Torah study and our translation of that Torah into the targum of our lives serve as a pleasing offering to G!d.


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