Monday, October 12, 2020

Tohu Va-Vohu

Was it Adam and Eve’s fault that they ate the fruit of the tree? 

The red delicious apple – or some say a pomegranate – or maybe it was a banana.

The snake was hungry and tired of having to climb the tree to get to it, and thought if Eve ate it and liked it, she’d share with him ever after in gratitude for the scrumptiousness.

So maybe it was really the scheming snake’s fault?

Or maybe it’s the earth’s fault for bringing forth – not a fruit tree bearing fruit, as God said to do – but a mere tree, made of wood – bearing fruit? If the entire tree was fruit, bearing fruit of its kind with its seed in it, then the snake wouldn’t have needed to slither up the trunk and entice an accomplice.

But maybe the earth hadn’t recovered from being without form and void? It was only the third day when it had to bring forth the fruit trees bearing fruit – and after having to get used to all that light gathered in one place, and day and night, and having its own dry land and water separated. Maybe if it had been the third week, or the third month, or the third year – then it would have been possible?

And how DID the earth become without form and void? I guess we’ll have to wait for the prequel to find that out.


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